Phone line and voicemail issue
Dear patients,
It has come to our attention that our phone lines have been busier than usual. As a result, our receptionist may not be able to answer your call promptly, and will only return the emergency calls (not appointment booking). Our receptionist is deserved to treat with respect. Threat or abuse phone calls will be ended.
please book online via hotdoc website, and we are also still providing walk-in service if there are no appointments with a certain period of time.
Alternatively, you can email us via for other inquiry.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
updated: 03/07/2024
Dear our value Patients,
Due to Medicare limiting the number of patients that doctors can see per day, we will now ONLY accept the walk-in time from 9am to 10.30am. Please call or email us by 10am to check whether we have reach the capacity. We apology for this inconvenience cause
Updated on 03/07/2024
To our valuable patients,
Due to the current inflation situation, patients will be charged out of pocket for a standard and long consultation.
This change will become effective from JULY 2023. More information about mix billing policy and FAQ please click on the pdf below:
PDF for mix billing policy

Thank you for your understanding.